Meet the Schoeneblogger

My photo
I'm the Schoeneblogger. Come on in, and have a look around. While you're here, you should join in the conversation. If you want to find out a little more about me click that tab below that says "about me." If you like what you read or want some of your friends to join the conversation, click the "share on facebook" below the blog. (same goes for twitter or google+)

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Follow me over to the new site

I've decided to take my blog to wordpress.  I'm so thankful to all of you who have subscribed and chosen to follow this blog.  Please follow me over to wordpress at  Resubscribe so that you continue to get email notices whenever I add content.  I think that the comment interface will be even better on the new site so keep leaving those great comments.  I'd love to get a conversation going.  My vision is for The Schoeneblog to be more of a conversation than just a broadcast.

The biggest vote of affirmation you can give a blogger is to become a subscriber or follower of the blog.

I won't shut this blog down for a while so that other readers can also be directed to the new site.