What a fantastic and fun day was Sunday. Our 2nd annual dodgeball tournament unfolded before tens of roaring fans. The FSBC commissioner of dodgeball, Andy Miller did a fantastic job of putting together this unique event.
The five teams in the family division allowed younger ones to have a blast without getting dodgeballs flung at them by high school and college age specimens! I was not so lucky. I was among the eight teams who competed, (and I use that word very loosely) in the competitive division. In our first game I stood next to my son, Timothy and thought I would bravely defend him from any balls that flew at him.
The game was on, I ran to the middle and somehow, successfully snatched a ball from the grasp of the other team, and limped back to my position. No worry, I just didn't stretch out properly. Seeing a ball fly right at Tim, I'm impressed with how he dodges to his left and lets the ball in his hand fly across the taped off dodgeball court. Using my well established side arm technique, which has always worked well in softball, I also let one fly, literally. My first attempt to throw a dodgeball takes flight, gaining altitude as it crosses mid-court. And were it not for the wall behind the opposing team, I think the ball would have continued to rise, eventually hitting the ceiling. I hear the laughs and laugh at myself, but before I finish my chuckle I see another ball coming my way. Fast! I dodge, arching my back just like I saw my son do a moment earlier. But with significantly less success. As I'm arching my back to "dodge" the ball curves through the air and hits me squarely in the belly. I hang my head and walk off the court.
The rest of the tournament is much the same. I get my licks in too, once I learn how to throw one of those blasted balls without having it twist and curve and rise and swerve. Even my best throws seemed to swerve around my intended target. Throwing a live chicken would have boasted similar results. I did have a great time and I thank my other son, Jared for inviting me to the humiliation festival. By the way, he also had some great dodgeball moves on the court. (So Proud)
At the end of the day, with my shoulder burning like fire and my hip throbbing with pain, I had a moment to reflect. I'm so glad God Loves Losers. I am one. Not because of defeat on the dodgeball court, but because "All have fallen short of the glory of God" and "My righteousness is as filthy rags." As I wait for the Ibuprofen to kick in, I'm thankful that Jesus came to heal the broken and bring strength to the weak and rest to the weary.
Easter brings Victory to all of us. We had no chance for victory on our own. Our best attempts are foolishness at best, just like my first attempt to throw the dodgeball. Remember this week, as you prepare for Easter that though you were hopeless to win, JESUS BROUGHT VICTORY.
Thank you, Jesus my Lord. You defeated our unbeatable foe, which is eternal death, and won for us the unreachable prize, which is life eternal with You, our creator. Help us to truly live, even now. To come awake to the true life, which is in You. Some of us misplace our focus and act as if You are here to help us live the life WE want. Help us, rather, to understand that You are inviting us in to a new life, with You. Your life, living in and through us. We welcome Your resurrection life into ours and seek to let You live in us... Amen