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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Worship in Truth

Last month, I posted what it means to worship in Spirit.  You can read it here.  Jesus said...

But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. (John 4:23 ESV)

Again, I will borrow some ideas from Henry Blackaby and Ron Owens found in their study on worship; Worship Believers Experiencing God.  You can purchase it here.  I cannot recommend this study highly enough! You should get it!

Worshiping in truth means we respond to what God says is true about himself.
One of the tasks for a worship pastor is to evaluate whether or not a song choice communicates biblical truth clearly.  Believe it or not, we don't just pick songs we like and avoid the songs you like. (Though some may think we do.)  As stewards of an hour on Sunday, it is weekly task to plan services that are biblical in content, balanced in context, and abundant in Christ.

Worshiping in truth means we worship in and through the One who is Truth.

Jesus is the Truth.  He says "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to (can worship) the Father except through Me."  Jesus said to the woman at the well that true worshipers will worship in truth. And He is truth.  Blackaby and Owens put it this way "Worship under the New Covenant is always through Christ, in Christ, and for Christ.   Our Lord is the embodiment of truth."

Worshiping in truth means we read and preach God's Word.

This is at the core of our worship.  How can we respond to what God says is true about Himself unless we understand what it is He is saying about Himself?  It's easy to see that the first two statements are true of both private and cooperate worship.  This third statement must also be practiced in private as well as public.  Within our own private settings we must sink ourselves into God's word.  If we claim to love God but in private we don't spend time reading His words to us, then what is true about us and our worship?

Father, I long to be the kind of worshiper You seek - one who worships You in truth.  Jesus, be the center of my life and my worship.  Forgive me for the times I have passed up the opportunity to read Your Word and instead have given my time to lesser things. Teach me what is true about You so that I may worship You as You really are.  Strip away the false ideas I have of how I think You should be and forgive me for that idolatry.  Draw my heart again and again to You, my Fountain that does not run dry.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Amen! Worshiping in Truth is a matter of the heart - if your heart isn't in it, it isn't true worship. Daily reading and sharing of Scripture makes is strong and gives us the wisdom to share His Word.
On a side note for you, Alden - if you don't want to publish this, I understand. I started another blog a couple of months ago, and I would like to invite you to visit. Please forgive the shameless self promotion - it is a Christian/political blog.
God bless you.