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Thursday, October 27, 2011

How To Plan A Revival Without Scheduling One


This one-word-blog brought to you by Paul's Letters to the Corinthians and Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.  Great effort was taken in the writing of this blog to keep the message clear and simple. Please feel free to elaborate with your own thoughts and experiences in the comment section below. All comments will be read by the author of the one-word-blog and replies will be posted at the authors earliest convenience. Any questions, concerns or suggestions can also be submitted via the comment section below.


Quint said...

Agree. And I like it. Maybe your best blog yet!

Susan said...

A one-word comment:

Alden Schoeneberg said...

I believe that God desires revival throughout our churches. We have not because we ask not.

Bryan said...

"If My people, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and heal their land."

Jenny said...

Note Brian's quote: prayer is combined with humility and seeking God. There are other passages emphasizing the need for action. Although I don't discount the power of prayer, nor question people's testimonies about prayer, I remain unconvinced that only prayer makes a complete game plan for a revival.

Alden Schoeneberg said...

Very true, Jenny. I love how the one-word-blog gets the conversation going. Praying for a revival in other does not fit into a "humble themselves and seek My face" posture. I am seeking revival in my own life, because I need it. My thoughts on this matter are not to pray for a revival but rather to commit to a more devoted life of prayer and a biblical posture of prayer (humbly seeking His face). If we want to be revived, don't pray for revival, become a person of prayer. Pray to listen, pray to submit, pray to obey.

Thanks for the great comment, Jenny.

Tracy said...

It's all about relationship.