by Katherine Hankey
I love to tell the story of unseen things above.
Of Jesus and His glory,
Of Jesus and His love.
I love to tell the story because I know it's true.
It satisfies my longings
as nothing else can do.
My recent ambition to write comes from a deeper longing to tell the story of Jesus. I'm enjoying the writing process, but as I attempt to write, I sense that I am drawing nearer to Jesus.
In my last blog entry, I discovered the definition of a disciple as one who "embraces" and "assists in spreading" the teachings of another. For us it is Jesus teachings we embrace. We assist Him in spreading His message, His gift of mercy, forgiveness, grace and eternity with Him. His Story! So many have not heard.
During the summer months I watched an interview with Eugene Peterson who wrote The Message, a "plain English" translation - considered a paraphrase by some - of the Bible. In this clip, the interviewer ask Peterson; "Do you have any advise for.... people who think 'I'd like to write, I'd like to be a storyteller?'" Peterson answers "Do it. We need all we can get. There are never enough storytellers" He goes on to explain that there are many who don't want to go through the discipline it takes to be a good writer.
This interview and especially Peterson's answer to that specific question pricks something inside of me that wants to step forward and take on the challenges of being a writer. Disciplines at all. It does take discipline to be a disciple. Imagine that. Disciplined in a way that "assists in spreading the teachings" of Jesus.
As a submission to that discipline and in recognition that I have much to learn, I'm attending the Annual Fall Writers Conference put on by the Heart of America Christian Writers Network. I look forward learning the craft and pray that I retain every ounce of what learn this weekend so that I will better Tell The Story.
How do you tell the story? Are you a writer, singer, preacher, teacher, social media aficionado? Please leave a comment below.
one of my favorite authors said, "you have a unique story that reveals God in your life. it is your calling to tell it." --Dan Allender in his book "to be told".
oh, BTW, I write, preach, teach and love a good mandolin song!
I love that quote, Jon. I look forward to reading more of your story, and hearing a good mandolin song.
Alden, good for you that you continue to be a life-long learner. I have enjoyed your writing and will look forward to hearing some of the new insights you get from the conference.
The poem is great! One of the writing exercises that I have used for the better part of 30 years is poetry - reading it and writing it. When you focus on words that rhyme and put them together with rhythm, you end up with a song. Keep a good thesaurus handy. And do a lot of reading. In fact, 'Leap Over a Wall', by Eugene Peterson is a great book.
Your blog is wonderful! Your writing is wonderful. I have no doubt that God will continue to bless you. I am looking forward to reading your book! Have fun at the conference, but don't take any of it too seriously - that is how your will learn the most.
Really nice post. I enjoy story telling and use that regularly during youth group Bible Studies. I hope you enjoy the conference and learn much!
Susan, I haven't read that one. I'll have to get my hands on it. Thanks for the suggestion.
Bryan, you're talking about oral story telling, but I know you do some of your story telling in writing as well. That's what I'm looking forward to studying at this conference.
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