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Monday, January 31, 2011

A Theology of Technology (sort of) from my iPad. I'm excited about new gear. Mostly because it is a tool to help me do ministry... And it's cool. Okay, perhaps mostly because it's cool! But I'm working on that motivation even as I blog from my iPad.

1 Corinthians 7:30-31 "those who weep or rejoice or who buy things should not be absorbed by their weeping or their joy or their possessions. Those who use the things of the world should not become attached to them. For this world as we know it will soon pass away." NLT

So I'll purposefully be excited in the ministry uses of my "tools" rather than the coolness factor. The Corinthians must have been dealing with iPads, iPhones or at least iPapyrus' or iPapy's as I'm sure they used to call them. (I bet the "scroll it" app was cool and everybody was addicted to the game "zombie gladiator") okay I'm getting off track. But that must be why Paul wrote those words, because those 1st century words have incredible 21st century application!

I'm blogging, I'm on twitter, I'll begin reading my chord charts from my iPad as well, but my desire is to minister the love of Christ using the language of the culture with the appropriate tools to do the job. However, I'm honestly tempted by the cool stuff available to us to do all this in 2011. Paul, how did you know I would have this temptation? I have no doubt that those words that seem to be about iPads, iPhones, facebook and twitter these days have spoken to all kinds of people and all kinds of possessions for every generation. I'll heed those words and live my life for the future home which will never pass away.

At second glance I would be well served to look beyond iPads and iPhones as the full application of Pauls words of encouragement. He says those who weep or have joy should be absorbed in that weeping or joy. I wonder what I weep over in vain (a perennially loosing baseball team? the government? the presidents' job performance? health care?) or what do I rejoice over in vain (a perennially winning baseball team? the government? the presidents' job performance? health care?) All... ALL those things will pass away. Why do I spend so much of my time frustrated with or boasting in these and other temporal things? ...God forgive me. Help me see and keep my eyes on the lasting joys and concerns of the world beyond.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Today’s word is… “BROKENNESS”

One of the things that make me more than a little OCD is my idea that the phrases or words we use have an effect on how we think about things. The more we speak negatively on a subject the more strongly we will feel, well, negative about it. I want to tread lightly here because sometimes we will dwell on an unbiblical idea such as “God helps those who help themselves,” hear it then say it and start to believe that it is a biblical principle. You get the idea.

This happened to me and Melanie once back in the day when we were young(er) worship leaders. Singing a song about brokenness being what we long for, you know the song, we received a “unpleasant” anonymous letter pointing out to us how wrong it was to make such a statement because God doesn’t want us to be broken, he wants to heal us. I can say that I get where mr/mrs anonymous is coming from, but they missed the point regarding brokenness. The kind of brokenness we were singing and speaking about was a (Psalm 51:16-17) version where David says this…

16 For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it;

you will not be pleased with a burnt offering.

17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;

a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

Until we change the way that we think about our sin, God can not change the way our hearts view it. We must seek to be truly broken about our sinful state as well and about specific, recurring sin in our lives so that He can start over with us and make us into something beautiful, more like His Son, Jesus.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

If the Hood fits!

A couple years ago I read the trilogy "King Raven" by Stephen R. Lawhead. I was expecting a simple retelling of the old Robin Hood stories told so many times by Disney and others. What I found instead was a great work of fiction and historical fantasy that made me wish I could be watching this on the big screen in epic form like "Lord of the Rings." It was really that good! Now my eldest son is reading this and loves it just as much.

If you like fiction, fantasy and/robin hood, you really should get a hold of this book. If you do, enjoy the journey and let me know when you get back and let me know what you think in the comments below.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Soups On!

Each January for the last several years, we as a staff, have made soup and served our Senior Adults the lunch at their monthly fellowship here at First Southern in Lawrence. (We mooch off them the rest of the year) They, of course, provided many desserts which we were only too happy to help eat.

I LOVE serving these great members of our church. So many of them have been extremely kind and encouraging toward me and my family over the many years we have served FSBC. It is my delight to give back to them every opportunity I have.

I hope and pray that they know how valuable they continue to be to their staff and to this church. These dear ones aren't just our churches history but our present as well. These are Bible Study Teachers, Deacons, Choir Members, Accompanists, Prayer Warriors, Missions Givers, Missions Goers, and part of the heartbeat of this church.

Providing the soup meal today was our way of saying that you are a part of the very important ingredients in the substance of this church. Thanks you for all you do.

Please leave a comment below in appreciation for the senior adults in your life.

Monday, January 10, 2011

My Baby's Back

What difference it makes to be playing on my own guitar. My level of comfort went way up Sunday as I lead worship from behind my own guitar for the first time in 3 weeks. I borrowed some nice guitars but just didn't feel comfortable. My guitar had spent the last 3 weeks in a repair shop and I finally got it back on Friday. Thank God for the tools that help us to lead people in singing and praise.