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Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Today’s word is… “BROKENNESS”

One of the things that make me more than a little OCD is my idea that the phrases or words we use have an effect on how we think about things. The more we speak negatively on a subject the more strongly we will feel, well, negative about it. I want to tread lightly here because sometimes we will dwell on an unbiblical idea such as “God helps those who help themselves,” hear it then say it and start to believe that it is a biblical principle. You get the idea.

This happened to me and Melanie once back in the day when we were young(er) worship leaders. Singing a song about brokenness being what we long for, you know the song, we received a “unpleasant” anonymous letter pointing out to us how wrong it was to make such a statement because God doesn’t want us to be broken, he wants to heal us. I can say that I get where mr/mrs anonymous is coming from, but they missed the point regarding brokenness. The kind of brokenness we were singing and speaking about was a (Psalm 51:16-17) version where David says this…

16 For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it;

you will not be pleased with a burnt offering.

17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;

a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

Until we change the way that we think about our sin, God can not change the way our hearts view it. We must seek to be truly broken about our sinful state as well and about specific, recurring sin in our lives so that He can start over with us and make us into something beautiful, more like His Son, Jesus.


Quint said...

I couldn't agree more with this thought. I feel that it is directly on point. I must also point out that "the way we think about our sin" must always be at the tip of the "blade of scripture". At least in my life when I stumble I can almost trace it back to a wrong mindset about the sin in my life.

T Whipple said...

Great point! I also like to think that while healing is vital to our bodies, living in or through a broken situation will also crack us and leave holes that He can pour through. His Spirit flows into us and out through these holes, or cracks out to others He ministers to because of our "brokeness" While He is the potter and we are the clay, He also allows us to be broken so that we can pour out into others lives