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Monday, January 17, 2011

Soups On!

Each January for the last several years, we as a staff, have made soup and served our Senior Adults the lunch at their monthly fellowship here at First Southern in Lawrence. (We mooch off them the rest of the year) They, of course, provided many desserts which we were only too happy to help eat.

I LOVE serving these great members of our church. So many of them have been extremely kind and encouraging toward me and my family over the many years we have served FSBC. It is my delight to give back to them every opportunity I have.

I hope and pray that they know how valuable they continue to be to their staff and to this church. These dear ones aren't just our churches history but our present as well. These are Bible Study Teachers, Deacons, Choir Members, Accompanists, Prayer Warriors, Missions Givers, Missions Goers, and part of the heartbeat of this church.

Providing the soup meal today was our way of saying that you are a part of the very important ingredients in the substance of this church. Thanks you for all you do.

Please leave a comment below in appreciation for the senior adults in your life.

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